If you haven't already stopped and taken a moment to pat yourself on the back for surviving another year-end season, please do so before reading on. That's right. It is almost summertime, and just now are payroll professionals starting to feel like they are able to catch a break. But lo and behold, another round of regulatory changes is just around the corner.
On the first of July, the minimum wage rates in Oregon as well as multiple cities throughout California are increasing as part of the cost-of-living adjustments passed by the States. If you have or know any employees in these areas, you may need to start researching which rates are changing, how much they are changing by, and where they are changing. OR you could save yourself that time and energy by having an online tool that sends you notifications when things like minimum wage rates are changing, or what the new employer tax rate for that state is, or how to file the new hire reporting in that state.
I have built an online, state-of-the-art encyclopedia on the platform B6 Cloud to bring you the ultimate solution of all relevant payroll information for each state and territory in the United States. Click on the Shop section of my website for more information or to subscribe today!